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Family Law Resources 


If you are an existing client and filing for a divorce, you will need to fill out our

Divorce Information Questionnaire so that your attorney can complete the necessary paperwork.


You will also need to complete the Uniform Support Declaration to allow for a proper calculation of Child Support and/or Spousal Support.


In Oregon, the amount of child support you will have to pay is based on a formula that factors in your specific circumstances. Click here to access Oregon's Child Support Calculator.


The Parenting Time Calculator is a tool for families and child support professionals to find out the average time a child is spending with each parent and to help create a parenting plan.


If children under the age of 18 are involved in your divorce, each party will need to complete a court ordered parenting class. See ORS 3.425 and SLR 8.015 (PDF) for more information. If you wish to request a waiver of the class requirement you can discuss this with your attorney or the judge hearing your case. The following links provide county specific information on parenting classes in the surrounding Portland Metro areas:

Multnomah County 



The Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) is the codified body of statutory law governing the U.S. state of Oregon.

Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) is the compilation of rules and regulations governing the implementation of the Oregon Revised Statuses.

General Law Information This links to a website with a lot of other general law resources and information that you may find helpful.




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